Challenges and opportunities for the telecommunications sector during the COVID-19 era

The telecommunications industry is not only involved in social and economic challenges, but it is also a key player
The crisis created by COVID-19 is putting the mechanisms that hold society together and the gears that drive the global economy to the test.
We are facing major challenges that will make us question many aspects of the former status quo. We are also considering the idea of accelerating certain transformation processes that society and businesses now view as more necessary and urgent.
Every sector must consider these reflections and work hard to overcome the crisis in order to be better prepared for the next one as we move towards a safer and more hopeful world.
The telecommunications industry is not only involved in social and economic challenges, but it is also a key player.
In this white paper we carry out a preliminary analysis of how the crisis affects telecom, along with the challenges and opportunities for industry companies, and the main lines of action that Nae has identified for the short and medium term.
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