Nae participates in the Costa Rica project to install WiFi in public places

The Nae team in Costa Rica managed the technical aspects of the “Espacios Públicos Conectados” (Connected Public Spaces) project
As part of Costa Rica’s digital transformation strategy, the government will establish 515 points throughout the nation with free WiFi so residents may have access to digital services.
Coinciding with the first anniversary of its operations in the country, the Nae team in Costa Rica managed the technical aspects of the “Espacios Públicos Conectados” (Connected Public Spaces) project, which is linked to a nationwide fiber optic network under the slogan “Zii para todos.”

Creating free and public WiFi hotspots in communities has many advantages for an array of sectors, including government, health, commerce, culture, education, emergency management and tourism.
Residents of Pavas (San José) were the first to benefit from the free Internet service aimed at minimizing the digital divide through the use of technology, in a social and inclusive manner, so as to have an impact on the general population, regardless of age, gender and nationality.
Zii points (wireless Internet zones) offer 24/7 service with an upload and download speed of 6 MB. The simultaneous connection for 100 users has security mechanisms against inappropriate use and that also block access to harmful or violent content. Nearly 3,000 Costa Ricans have already used these hotspots that are not only able to detect and block intruders, but are also equipped with antivirus software, protections against attacks, and security/confidentiality standards for users’ personal data.
Backed by a $61 million investment, this program is an initiative of the Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (Sutel) through the Fondo Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (Fonatel) to create the National Broadband Network.