Study case
Case study: intelligent measurement of user experience

How to identify the elements that affect customer satisfaction
In past articles, we have addressed how to improve the digital customer experience in two areas: overall, throughout the entire process of interactions between the user and a company, and specifically, when infrastructures are created based on predicted customer behavior in order to improve service quality.
In this case, we will explain how to measure the user experience of mobile and fixed services in an objective manner (i.e., connecting customer perceptions with technical network parameters). The goal must be to identify the key elements that make it possible to improve the level of user satisfaction.
This analysis has traditionally been done through the use of satisfaction surveys that identify the services with the lowest ratings but not the cause, or through field tests that primarily detect technical issues.
As a result, the proposed system must combine the two analyses in order to provide a precise x-ray of user opinions as well as of the elements that negatively affect those opinions. It must also monitor communications in real time, geolocate the results, and include all the telecommunications providers and technologies.
An example is when we must identify whether a user is having trouble accessing their messaging application using a 3G smartphone of a certain telecommunications provider in a specific part of the city. We must also identify the source of the issue.
A real simulation of user experience
A solution based on simulating the user’s behavior is designed by deploying fixed and mobile probes (taxis and vehicles) that consume actual services (voice, Internet, downloads, cloud, video, etc.) and objectify the experience by collecting technical parameters.
To view the results in real time, a web platform is used to configure alerts and periodic reports, segment by service, telecommunications provider and technology, and geolocate the information on urban plans.
One of the most important challenges is how to most accurately replicate actual customer conditions. To do so, the measurement modules (probes) are developed with the same technology that is used for smartphones and tablets. This also reduces costs and makes it easier to deploy and continuously take measurements.
Creating a precise simulation of the user experience and its simultaneous comparison with technical indicators is the only way to successfully evaluate the situation and apply the necessary improvements for public entities and urban infrastructures, as well as for telecommunications and service providers.