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The first startup accelerated by Nae obtains €3.5 million investment

By Nae — July 11, 2017

Case on IT had a turnover of €2.5 million in 2016 and has a team of more than 50 people

Case on IT, a startup that’s been accelerated by Nae since 2014, has closed a €3.5 million investment round, led by Inveready, an investment group that specializes in technology and innovation.

Case’s objective is to continue developing MedUX, its solution for measuring users’ experiences of telecommunications services, and become a global market leader.

Nae has already implemented various measurement projects in Spain, Colombia and Mexico through MedUX, a solution trusted by clients such as Telefónica, AT&T, Claro Colombia, Vodafone, Orange, as well as governments and regulatory bodies.

Case closed 2016 with a turnover of €2.5 million and has a team of more than 50 people.

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